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Zoum Sondy:  » We played in more than 15 festivals in Germany thanks to MASA 2018 « 

After his brilliant participation in the latest edition of the Market for Abidjan Performing Arts, the German group, Soum Sondy is now proud to share his news. Zoumana Meité talks here about their experience at the MASA.

We discovered you at the last edition of the Market for Abidjan Performing Arts with the performances of the Soum Sondy group. Can you introduce us to this group?  

 »   Zoum Sondy   Is a multicultural Reggae / Afrobeat group of 8 members, all from Cologne, Germany.  It is created by Zoumana Meité aka  »   Zoum Sondy   « , Singer of the group born in Ivory Coast and who has been living in Germany for 12 years now.

Your first participation at MASA, was in 2018. What are your feelings?
First of all, I would like to thank the MASA General Manager,Prof KONATE and all his team. As the first person in charge of the group   Zoum Sondy   it was a great joy to participate in this big event. It must also be said that my musicians, all German, were very happy to tread for the first time the African continent. The atmosphere was very good.

It must be remembered that you were at MASA in 2018 as part of the Festival. How did you know this biennale from Germany? And why the MASA?
It is through social networks especially Facebook that I experienced this great festival.
The MASA is no longer unknown, it has already proven itself. Artists like   Koffi Olomide ,   Meiway, Magic System   and many others have gone through this festival. Why not us ?
All artists from Africa and its diaspora wish to perform at MASA, given the opportunities and benefits offered to unsung artists of the general public.

What has changed in your career after participating in MASA?
Our participation in MASA opened the doors for us in Germany. We have played in more than 15 festivals here in Germany, God willing we will be participating in festivals in France and Belgium next year. In addition, we will be in Abidjan in December, as part of   FESTICA,   a festival sponsored by the mayor of the municipality of Abobo.

The next MASA will take place from March 07 to 14, 2020. What are your expectations?
For the next edition, we would like to be part of the official selection. This will allow us to build relationship with more Festivals Managers.

We are at the end of our interview, what is your final word?
I take this opportunity to say a very big thank you to   Tiken Jah Fakoly   for the warm welcome he gave us during our stay in Abidjan. Long live the MASA.


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