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Ségou’Art 2019: Training in art criticism to better read artistic creation

Ségou ‘Art is the Biennial of Contemporary Art of Mali, held in Segou, Mali. It brings together gallery owners, collectors and art lovers, art critics around the works of emerging young talents from Africa and elsewhere, not only to make them known, but also to engage in a reflection on the development of visual arts in Africa, and to create the optimal conditions for their emergence. This exhibition aims to allow gallery owners and art professionals to discover the new faces of contemporary African creation.
After a successful first edition in September 2016, the second edition of Ségou ‘Art will be held from 2 to 9 February 2019 in Ségou (Mali).
Ségou’Art 2019 has initiated a regional training on art criticism that is essential to the visibility and readability of African artistic creation. It aims to strengthen quality production in the visual arts, given that art critics remain the weakest part of the creative value chain, and that they are increasingly rare in our countries. This training was led by Prof. Yacouba Konaté (Côte d’Ivoire) and Hélène Tissières (Switzerland).
The panelists present at the second edition of Segou’Art are:
Lassina KONE, artist. Bamako – MALI;
Abdoulaye Koundoul, Prof. of Arts Education, Dakar – SENEGAL;
Professor Ibrahima WANE, Prof. of Literature and African Civilizations at the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar-SENEGAL;
Teacher. Abdoulaye Doro SOW, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, University of Nouakchott-MAURITANIA;
Dr. Hamadou MANDE, University of Ouaga 2 – Pr Joseph KI-ZERBO. Ouagadougou-BURKINA FASO;
Pr Lupwishi MBYAMBA, Executive Director of OCPA. Maputo – MOZAMBIQUE;
Michel SABA, General Delegate of CERAV / Africa Category 2 Center of UNESCO. Bobo-Dioulasso – BURKINA FASO;
Youba BATHILY, Sociologist, historian and cultural expert. Bamako – MALI;
Odile SANKARA, Artistic Director of Compagnie Kandima. BURKINA FASO;
Yacouba KONATE, General Commissioner of MASA. Abidjan, Ivory Coast ;
Hugues ONDAYE, General Commissioner of the Panafrican Music Festival (FESPAM) – CONGO-BRAZZAVILLE.

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