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Press Conference of March 18, 2016: partial assessment

Hundred of journalists were invited by the MASA to attend a Press conference to discuss a partial assessment of the masa 2016. The conference was organized on Friday March 18, 2016 at MASA Executive Office in Plateau.
Pr. Yacouba Konaté, Director of the MASA certified that the event was a success and the outcomes are encouraging:
more than 20,000 visitors came daily to the different programs;
the European Union and Brazil invited the MASA to their cultural programs;
the rooting of the event was also confirmed during this edition;
more importance was given to new categories like storytelling, fashion shows, standup comedy, and puppetry;
new partnerships were signed with RTI, Orange and Air Côte d’Ivoire.
The themes discussed, the script readings and speed meetings were a success during the professional meetings.
However, the Director noticed some problems that the MASA faced during this edition « we only received 840 millions where we expected 1 billion». As a result, performance stages of Yopougon Ficgayo, Koumassi Inchallah and Adzopé were cancelled.
In addition to financial problems, the strike organized by the technicians was a brake in the organization of the event.
The Director ended the conference by thanking all the international and local journalists, the participants, the partners and the Ministry of Culture for their support.

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