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MASA News: If you love us, take a leaf out of Abla Pokou’s book

The legendary figure of the Akan queen Abla Pokou is at the heart of the show presented by the Guinean association Min’Arts. A return to her roots, and an inspiration for the future.

By Lydie Mobio


Alone on the 300-seat stage of the Palais de la Culture’s Salle Niangoran Porquet, as part of MASA 13, Guinea’s Touré Aminata captivated, enthralled and kept a diverse audience on the edge of their seats on Wednesday April 17 with her play « Pokou ». Unfortunately, the show started an hour late. However, the audience didn’t hold the MASA organizers to account, as they were captivated by the power and adaptation of Abla Pokou’s story.

Inspired by the legend of Abla Pokou, a story of the Baule people (an ethnic group from central Côte d’Ivoire), « Pokou » is directed by Cameroonian actor and director Sufo Sufo. It is accompanied by a musician, and performed by Aminata Touré. The show begins with a heroine, the queen, who, to save her people, sacrifices the heir to the throne, her offspring. Like the queen, the playwright asks, advises and orders African politicians to sacrifice themselves for their people.

Her face closed, her eyes staring into space, her gaze bruised, the actress cries out her anger, her frustration: to the world, but above all to the politicians who should be sacrificing themselves for their people (the women and men born of Abla Pokou’s sacrifice for their freedom). Sadly, it is these populations saved by the sacrifice of the heir to the throne who are now being sacrificed for personal interests. On stage, the Queen, overcome with anger, awakens the conscience of the population. Be aware, » she says. Don’t go to the slaughterhouse to satisfy the desires of politicians!


Photo by Romaric Gueu


During the show, the interplay between light and sound effects had the desired effect on spectators: some were overcome by fear when thunderous noises rang out, thanks to the magic of the sound system. Others were taken aback when the lights suddenly went out and the sound of strong wind was heard as the actress began to blow on one of the spotlights on the floor, as if on a candle. And that was the night. The captivated audience rose to their feet, applauding and even whistling.

The play « Pokou » manages to transport the spectator into a palette of emotions and strong sensations. The importance of sacrifice and self-denial for the well-being of many are the lessons to be learned from this play, which recommends that everyone draw inspiration from African stories and legends to live better.

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