Artistic groups for the MASA IN being known, a second chance is given to all those who wish to take part in the MASA FESTIVAL 2020. Groups that meet the following requirements are eligible for the MASA FESTIVAL 2020 :
1. A show less than three (03) years old.
2. The size of the group, including the management team and the manager, must not exceed:
– 03 people for stand up comedy;
– 03 people for Slam;
– 04 people for the storytelling;
– 08 people for Contemporary Dance;
– 10 people for the Music;
– 10 people for the Theater;
– 15 people for the traditional Dance.
NB : The expenses related to the international transport of the group members, the accessories, the settings items, and the technical items will be completely supported by the group.
3. Setting and accesories items won’t be heavy nor bulky and will be easily transportable on commercial flights.
4. The application file for the MASA 2020 official selection will include:
4.1. A letter of application addressed to the MASA General Management;
4.2. A photo of the group on stage;
4.3. A video capture of the show. Teasers and video clips are not accepted;We want live videos
4.4. The list of creations and diffusions of the last three (03) years or a press-book;
4.5. A distribution sheet indicating:
– The departure city of the group;
– The list of the persons composing the group with the mention of the date of birth and the function in the group;
– The names and surnames of the director or manager for the music, of the administrator for the other disciplines;
– The author, the director or the choreographer.
4.6. A presentation of the show stating:
– The date of creation;
– The theme ;
– Approach ;
– A summary of the story staged for storytelling,stand up comedy, dance and theater, song lyrics for music and slam.
4.7. The technical sheet indicating:
– The dimensions of desired scenes;
– the lighting and sound requirements of the show and the necessary technical staff;
– The duration of the assembly and disassembly of the show;
– The weight and volume of the sets and accessories.
The transmitted documents remain the property of MASA, which undertakes not to exploit them for commercial purposes.
Applications can be sent:
– By email : administration@masa.ci
– Or physically by the post office : MASA Main Office, Plateau, 09 BP 2877 Abidjan 09 – Côte D’IVOIRE. At the latest, october 30, 2019, the postmark being taken as proof.
– Or by dropping them at the MASA Main Office in Plateau, Rue Toussaint Louverture.
The list of groups selected for the official selection will be published on november 30, 2019 .
A sample application form is available on the MASA website.
Download Call for candidates
Download Example of the call for candidates