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MASA 2018: Blend (Namibia) «There were opportunities and very big success»

The group  » Blend « , a duet coming from Namibia was present in Abidjan as part of the 10th edition of the Market for Abidjan Performing Arts (MASA). Khoes and Christian Polloni, who compose the group, pointed out that they came to explore opportunities in MASA 2018.
«There were opportunities and very big success», they asserted.
Khoes, of her true name Nesindando Namises, it needs to be underlined, does not only sing, she also writes poetry. She blends poem, in fact, in the slam-soul. Across this original type, Khoes asserts being in her domain. Better she supports that she represents the voice of the Africain woman. For her first time in the French-speaking Africa, she seems to be in a won territory. And with good reason. The duet gave an outstanding show to the public of Ménékrè, an art complex in Abidjan-Cocody-les 2 Plateaux, on Friday, March 16th, 2018.
Christian Polloni, who accompanies on stage Khoes, is not an unknown in the Ivorian artistic sector. Talking about his meeting with Khoes, the virtuoso of the guitar supported that he had no choice. The talent of  jazz woman, which alloys well poem and slam , is indisputable in a funk style , African folk music. Christian Polloni, it is necessary to say it, accompanied several big names of music on the international level. Between others, Papa Wemba, Carlos Santana, Youssou N’ Dour, Alpha Blondy …
The guitarist, who went around the world, played  for Alpha Blondy, the mega star of reggae on his album  » Cocody Rock « taken out in 1984.

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