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MASA 2007


After an interruption in 2005 because of the political crisis in Côte d’Ivoire, a special edition called “PEACE IN COTE D’IVOIRE, MASA 2007 FOR 5 CITIES” was held from July 18 to August 12, 2007 in five cities of Côte d’Ivoire. An international round table which theme was « Democracy, Democratic Culture: end of conflict and peace in Africa » was also organized in Yamoussoukro from July 23 to 27, 2007 as part of this cultural event. More discussion forums were organized for community leaders. In addition to its traditional aspect of being a market, a festival and a forum for professional meetings, the ambition of this edition was to organize performances in Abidjan and some cities of Côte d’Ivoire with groups and artists from the 2004-2005 selection (in theater, dance and music) and special guests artists from Côte d’Ivoire and Africa (in theater and music).

57 groups coming from 14 countries (South Africa, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Mozambique, Niger, Togo) representing 48 groups in music, 1 in dance and 8 in theater came to that edition.132 professionals from 19 African countries and 3 European countries; 26 broadcasters (Africa), 21 Observers (Africa= 15, Europe=6), 85 Journalists (Africa=79, Europe=6). 108 performances were organized  and witnessed by more than 26 300 participants in Abidjan, 16 performances in Bouaké followed by more than 13 500 participants, 11 performances  in Korhogo with  2000 participants, 16 performances in Man with more than 2000 participants and 18 performances in Daloa with more than 10 000 spectators.

This edition was divided into two parts: the period of July 28 to August 11, 2007 was dedicated to theater, dance, and music. The second part from August 9 to 12 was dedicated to music in the cities of Bouake, Korhogo, Man and Daloa. This schedule was the choice of the International Selection Committee.


A round table was organized in Yamoussoukro, the political capital of Côte d’Ivoire from August 23 to 27, 2007. The theme was « Democracy, Democratic Culture: end of conflict and peace in Africa ». The MASA’s objective was to help build the concept of democracy and democratic culture among people.

This theme was developed in two steps:

 1- An international round table (definition, clarification, discussions and suggestions)

The round table was divided into sub-themes

Theme1: Definition and questioning

Theme 2: Democracy and Democratic Culture: Culture and Political practice in traditional Africa)

Theme 3: Democracy and Democratic Culture: Political Crisis in Africa

Theme 4: Democracy and Democratic Culture: Regional figures in Africa

Theme 5: Democracy and Democratic Culture: cases outside Africa

Theme 6: Democracy and Democratic Culture: the example of Côte d’Ivoire

Theme 7: Democracy and Democratic Culture: requirements to end crisis and basis for peace in Africa.

Theme 8: Teaching of Democracy and Democratic Culture.

2- A national Campaign to support Democracy and Democratic Culture

Four actions were taken:

– The editing and publishing of the decisions of the colloquium

– Workshops for training and information

– A communication campaign and suggestions to introduce Democracy and Democratic Culture into the curriculum of primary and high schools.

It was held from July to November.



OIF, Ministère de la culture et de la Francophonie Côte d’Ivoire, UE, UNESCO, UA, UEMOA, Coopération Française, District d’Abidjan, RTI, Radio Jam, Fraternité Matin, Dialogue, Déclic Magazine, Notre Voie, Le Patriote, Nord sud, Soir Info, Le Courrier d’Abidjan, Le Nouveau Réveil, Le Jour, Gbich !, Radio Yopougon, Zenith Fm, Radio Amitié, Abidjan1 Fm, City FM, Radio Espoir, Téré Fm, Cocody Fm.


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