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MASA 2001

MASA 2001

The fifth edition of MASA was organized from March 3 until March 10, 2001 in Abidjan with:

46 artistic groups from 23 African countries

261 presenters from 35 African, European and American countries,

68 observers from 14 African, American and European countries

239 journalists including 29 radios, 14 TV, 79 reporters from 23 African and European countries

Overall 44 countries attended the event.

The Palais de la Culture de Treichville hosted the event. The main performances of theater, dance and music took places at that venue within three rooms of 1500, 700 and 300 seats.

Other performances were organized at the open space of the village MASA with a capacity 2500 people. In addition to the village MASA and the arts village of the hôtel de ville d’Abidjan, performances were organized in 9 others venues in Abidjan and Yamoussoukro.

Overall, 131 artistic groups (95 of music, 15 of dance, and 21 in theater) performed for a total of 297 performances, with an attendance estimated to 98 171 people.

One of the major changes of this edition was to organize theater performances in primary and high schools. 13 groups performed in 38 schools.  For two days, Wednesday and Saturday, the Palais de la Culture also welcomed young people of age, 6-11, to attend performances in storytelling and puppetry. In total, 15000 young people participated into this program.



Christian MOUSSET: Director of festival Musiques Métisses d’Angoulême (France)

Agnès KRAIDY: Director of the cultural section at  Ivoir’soir (Côte d’Ivoire)

Ambroise MBIA: President of les Rencontres Théâtrales internationales du Cameroun (Cameroun)

Manda TCHEBWA: Director of RTNC Record et Médiathèque of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Zié COULIBALY: Technical Director of MASA.


PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS                           

The Professional meetings of this edition were split into three parts: Colloquiums, workshops and professional meetings.

Two themes were discussed during the colloquiums between theoreticians and practitioners:

– « Cultural event, artistic creation and rule of law »;

– « Performing arts and sub-regional integration ».

The issues underlying these two themes were: what are the links between performing arts, the rights of a human being and rule of law. Can performing arts be used as a bridge between countries?

At the end of the sessions, the experts concluded that artistic creations are an important mean of strengthening communication and relationships among people from different origins and countries.

The meetings of TRANSAC/CIM, of CIOFF, and Director of festivals made the following recommendations in addition to decisions about the agendas of festivals:

– research- action in the field of performing arts

– training;

– distribution of african performances ;

– promotion.

Although the topics and recommendations developed during these sessions were very relevant for  artists and directors, only 15 participants attended the session for theater, 30 for dance and 100 participants for round tables and meetings.



Agence Intergouvernementale de la Francophonie, Ministère de la Culture et de la Francophonie Côte d’Ivoire, UE, District d’Abidjan, Fondation Ford, UA, SHOWBIZ, PUBLI 2000 REGIE, TELECEL, M.T Transport, GBICH!, SENTIERS, AFRICA ONLINE, TV2 Impact media, Le Jour, CANAL+HORIZON, soir info, City FM, MCM Africa, Notre VOIE, Radio LEPIN, Africa N°1, RFI, Radio Yopougon, Le PATRIOTE, Cocody FM, Air-Afrique, Le Liberal, RTI, l’Aurore.

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