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MASA 1999

MASA 1999

The fourth edition of the MASA was organized from February 20 to 27, 1999.  48 groups participated to the event: 12 in theater, 8 in dance and 28 in music, for a total of 463 artists. 4 groups didn’t make the trip to Abidjan.

The Palais des Congrès of Hôtel Ivoire hosted the performances for music (800 to 1000 people) each night, and the Centre Culturel Français (CCF), the performances of theater and dance every afternoon (600 people). The technical aspect was supervised by the director and managed by a team of 15 technicians including 1 from Switzerland, 8 from Africa and 6 from Côte d’Ivoire.

466 presenters attended the MASA including: 252 from Africa, 164 from Europe, 45 from America, 2 from Asia, 2 from the India and 1 from the Middle East. The contact room was devided into 59 stands to dispaly information on groups and African productions. A lot of opportunities were given to artists and professionals to meet and discussed possble projects.

61 groups participated to the MASA Festival, including 21 from Côte d’Ivoire and 40 other African countries (Benin, Cameroun, Centrafrique, Congo, Guinée, Mali, RDC, Sénégal and  Tchad), for a total of 514 artists.  563 performances were organized in 5 Districts of Abidjan.

At the MASA village, 10 000 people visited the restaurants and watched live shows during the event.

Because of the intense promotion the event received, 189 journalists working for more than 101 agencies attended the event including:

– Côte d’Ivoire: 83 journalists working for 37 agencies

– Africa: 42 journalists working for 24 agencies d

– Europe: 59 journalists working for pour 36 agencies

– America: 3 journalists working for 3 agencies


–         Daniel CUXAC : General Secretary – TRANSAC

–         Peter TLADI : Chief executive – T.MUSICMAN CC (South Africa)

–         Patrick PRINKTZ : Director – Wallonie-Bruxelles Musiques (Belgium)

–         Jean Pierre GUINGANE : Director – FITMO (Burkina Faso)

–         Ambroise MBIA : Director of festival (Cameroun)

–         Alain PARE : CEO of CINARS (Canada)

–         Bienvenu NEBA : Professor at INSAAC (Côte d’Ivoire)

–         Zab MABOUNGOU : Cercle d’expression artistique Nyata-Nyata (Congo-Canada)

–         Christian MOUSSET : Director – Festival Musique Métisses (France)

–         Oma HUNTER: Producer/artistic Director (Ghana)

–         Michel FAURE : Producer – théâtre de la parfumerie (Switzerland)

–         Ezzeddine GANNOUN : Director théâtre organique – espace Culturel El Hamra (Tunisia)

–         Sue Jane POWELL: Manager Tumbuka Dance Company (Zimbabwé)


The professional meetings were organized into three parts:

– a forum which theme was: « performing arts : aesthetic and African renaissance at 21st century » was an opportunity for assessment  and to discuss perspectives.

– Three worships: staging in theater, choreography and issues in music gathered experienced and young artists for information sharing.

– Lunch meeting between western and African professionals. During the meeting, the professional from the south discussed the state of the creation and the distribution of performing arts in Africa and Indian Ocean while the professional from the north discussed the knowledge of their network of distribution in North America, Europe, and Asia.

Three afternoon sessions were organized also by ADAMI on « the right of the actor, the dancer and the singer in Africa ».



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