JouvayFest on the road to Masa 2018

(Marche des Arts du Spectacle Africain) Market & Festival for African Performing Arts, located in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, is a forum which brings together African artists, and other performing arts professionals to network, present, perform, and discover new talents.  MASA attracts more than 30,000 spectators biennially. After many years as a Francophone festival, MASA is reaching out to Africans throughout the Diaspora. The 9th edition of MASA which was held in 2016 saw presentations from the USA, the Caribbean, Brazil and Europe. Moving forward, MASA (2018) will include more participants from the African Diaspora.

MASA recognizes the need to develop a united, vibrant community with a distinctive African personality through the use of our shared heritage and to promote this through cultural interaction. The outcome will be a change in perceptions, and an increase in the understanding and respect for our diverse but similar cultures.

The “MASA Carnival –Play Mas’ 2018!”was germinated during a conversation between Sandra A. M Bell and Korkor Amarteifio after a spectacular performance of Something Positive Inc at MASA 2016 Press Conference at SOB’s Night Club in New York City.

MASA Carnival- The Play Mas’ 2018premier will bring together dancers, musicians, artists and craftspeople from Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Trinidad & Tobago, USA, United Kingdom and Brazil for a unique Carnival/masquerade experience. They each will bring their own traditions and practices (all African derived) and the many diverse yet integrated cultural influences that have shaped them. It will showcase how effective and successful cross-cultural ventures can be when artists welcome the unknown, and embrace new experiences and possibilities.

The end result will be artistically memorable, culturally and socially enriching.


  1. Répondre
    Fred Jones Sr says:

    This is beautiful. Looking forward to bringing our flavor of gospel music to this event.

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