Structures of the MASA
The MASA is governed by a convention between the republic of Côte d’Ivoire and the Intergovernmental Organization of the Francophonie ( OIF). It has the following governing bodies:
[icon image= »fa-check-square-o »] The Board of Directors : is responsible for providing strategic direction to the MASA.It approves the finance of the organization.The Minister of Culture and Francophonie of Côte d’Ivoire is the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the representative of the Francophonie is the Vice-Chairman
[icon image= »fa-check-square-o »] The International Artistic Committee : plays the role of expert advisor for the Executive Management of the MASA. The committee makes suggestions about the organization of the MASA
[icon image= »fa-check-square-o »] The Executive Management : is responsible for implementing the activities of the MASA
[icon image= »fa-check-square-o »] The National Technical Committee : It is composed of all Ministries participating to the organization of the MASA.
[icon image= »fa-check-square-o »] The main ressources
The intergovernmental agency of Francophonie and the Ministry of Culture and Francophonie are the main contributors of the MASA. They provide up to 80 per cent of the budget of the MASA.
[icon image= »fa-check-square-o »] The additional ressources
Additional contributions are made by international organization such as the African Union, the ECOWAS, the Commonwealth foundation, UNESCO, L’ISESCO. Some private companies also help MASA financially.