MASA 2024: Call for applications for artistic groups Circus, storytelling, dance, humor, music, slam, theater


Download the application Registration MASA Market Registration MASA Festival baixe a chamada em portugues

From April 13th to April 20th, 2024, the 13th edition of the Market for Abidjan Performing Arts (MASA) will take place in Abidjan. Creations that meet the following conditions are eligible under the official program:

Be an African or diaspora company or artist
Have a show that is less than 3 years old and has never been presented at MASA.
PLEASE NOTE: only African and Diaspora companies and artists can participate in the MASA Market.

Have a show that is less than 3 years old and has never been presented at MASA.
The show must be able to be performed in a theater or in a public space.

The show must meet one of the following categories: Circus & puppet, storytelling, dance, humor, music, slam, theater.

1- The size of the group, including the support team and the manager, must not exceed:

03 people for humo;
03 people for slam;
03 people for storytelling;
10 people for dance (contemporary or heritage) (for the solo: 3 people);
08 people for music;
10 people for circus and puppetry;
10 people for theater.

Members of the same company will travel to and from Abidjan from and to the same city.
The city must be specified in the application form.

2- Scenery and props must not be heavy or bulky and must be transportable on regular scheduled flights.

3- The application file for selection in the MASA 2024 must include:

    • A short presentation of the creation 10 lines maximum;
    • Three (3) high definition (HD) scene photos of the creation;
    • A biography of the artist or the company with an emphasis on the salient creations;
    • A video teaser of the show (Between 5 and 7 minutes);
    • Full recording of the show;
    • A technical sheet specifying:
      The size of the stage
      The lights arrangement
      The number of artists on stage
      The duration of assembly and disassembly
      The weight and volume of the decor and accessories
      The cost of the show
    • A distribution sheet indicating:
      An e-mail address and a telephone number of the company’s referent.
      The departure city of the company (NB: a single departure and return city for the whole company without exception)
      The list of names of the members of the company, specifying the respective functions.
      The surnames and first names of the stage manager or manager for music, the administrator or any other reference person.

NB: MASA reserves the right to propose other technical arrangements.
The documents submitted remain the property of MASA, which agrees not to use them for commercial purposes.

4- Applications can be submitted on the MASA website via the application form available online no later than October 30, 2023.
Applications sent outside of this procedure will not be accepted.

The list of groups selected for the official selection will be published no later than december 16, 2023.

For any additional information, write to: candidatures@masa.ci for the MASA market or candidatures.festival@masa.ci  for the MASA festival

Download the application   baixe a chamada em portugues


  1. Répondre
    Kra N'guessan Henri Joel says:

    Haut parleur

  2. Répondre
    Seerabane says:

    Bonjour à vous je suis artiste auteur compositeur interprète
    . merci de me revenir

  3. Répondre
    Ilboudo Ousmane says:

    Je veux vraiment participer mais je suis un élève ces possible

    • Répondre
      Noufou de zahione says:

      Je suis en Côte d’Ivoire Abidjan précisément a koumassi je veux participer au masa je fais la musique reggae bougema je veux vous présenter savoir faire comment là musique c’est mon numéro de téléphone 05 75 95 71 44 toujours disponible

  4. Répondre
    Pirasson Pungu says:

    Je souhaite participer avec mon groupe BANA MARSEILLE, Quelle condition exigible,ci formulaire disponible.Merci

    • Répondre
      Soumah Daouda says:

      Je suis au Nigeria précisément Abuja I love masa festival je veux participer 2024`je suis artiste de cirque

      • Répondre
        admin says:

        Il faudra postuler

  5. Répondre
    Tondossama Souleymane says:

    J aimerai participer cette année car j’aime bien l’art.

  6. Répondre
    Joel Wandja says:

    Bonjour, nous sommes un groupe brass band résidant au cameroun (Yaoundé).
    Est-ce-que nous pouvons postuler pour participer au MASA?

  7. Répondre
    Ricardo Daniel manga says:

    Soy ecuatoguineano de Africa centradle y me gustaría participar en este encuentro de artistas el próximo año

  8. Répondre
    Camara Mohamed says:

    Cette année je voudrais participer au Masa pour pour autre vue de mon art .
    Ce serait fier un jour de me voir sur la scène de Masa.

  9. Répondre
    Soumah Daouda says:

    Cette année je veux participer Au Masa festival mon groupe patatrak circus numéro de téléphone 0911 649 7833( 08168589013

  10. Répondre
    Soumah Daouda says:

    Bonjour masa cette année on veux participer au masa festival groupe patatrak circus numéro de téléphone 0911 649 7833(08168589013

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