MASA 2022 : call for application for artistic groups, Circus, Storytelling, Dance, Comedy, Music, Slam, Theater

Artists can now apply to the 12th edition of the Abidjan Market for the Performing Arts, MASA, which will take place in Abidjan from the 5th to 12th March 2022.

MASA is the bi-annual African Art and Performing Arts festival which re-enforces dialogue between the cultures and offers opportunities for  professional encounters.  MASA hosts more than 200 artistic groups, professionals, promoters and journalists in the creative sector from Africa, the African Diaspora and the world.

The application deadline is 30 August 2021.

Application Requirements for the official program (MASA-IN)

  1. Artistic work not older than 3 years
  2. The number in the group including managerial staff cannot exceed:

street art – 1  member

               comedy – 3 members

slam -3 members

storytelling -3 members

contemporary Dance – 8 members (solo dance-3 members)

music – 8 members

marionette and circus – 10 members

theater -10 members

traditional dance – 15 members

Members of any specific group must be arriving to and departing from Abidjan from the same city.  This must be specified in the application form.

  1. Props and accessories can be neither too heavy nor cumbersome and must be easily transportable by the regular scheduled flights.

How to apply

  1. Documents must consist of the following :                                                                                                                                                                                             

4.1. Letter of application addressed to the Director general of MASA ;
4.2. Three high definition photos of the group on stage ;
4.3. Video of a live concert. Clips and teasers are not allowed ;
4.4. Pressbook or list of works spanning the last three years ;
4.5. An information sheet that indicates:

– email of the group and the telephone number of the group leader

– city of departure of the group (please note that MASA will only pay transportation for members of the group departing and returning to the same city)

– list of members of the group with dates of birth and function in the group

– name of the manager or director in the case of music, the name of administrator in the case of other groups

– name of author, stage director or choreographer

4.6   Description of the concert

– date created

– the theme and approach

– summary of the staged content for storytelling, comedy, dance and theater

– text for chansons for music and for slam

4.7   Technical data must include:

        – stage plot and dimension of space needed on stage

        – light, sound and technicians needed for the show

        – length of time required for setup and set down

        – weight and number of props and accessories

MASA reserves the right to suggest comparable technical support.  MASA will retain the documents sent by artists and these shall not be used for commercial purposes.

Interested candidates can apply online at the MASA site or send documents by mail to the following address:

Direction Générale du MASA, Plateau, Rue Toussaint Louverture 09 BP 2877 Abidjan 09 – Côte d’Ivoire.

The mail must be stamped latest by the august 30, 2021 as proof of dispatch

The list of successful candidates will be made public latest by 5th October 2021.  For more information please contact MASA : candidatures@masa.ci

Attention: There will be no call for application for the MASA OFF

Download the application  refister here



  1. Répondre
    Songhoy blues says:

    Jeunes groupe de musique malien

  2. Répondre
    Koko kabamba says:

    J’aimerais vraiment participer dans cette édition

    • Répondre
      admin says:

      Bonjour Koko Kabamba
      Pour portciper au MASA, il faut postuler dans un premier temps.

  3. Répondre
    Koffivi Fabunmi says:

    Masa fantastic and awesome job done as you creating laudable platforms for Performing Artistes to explore and be successful with their arts

  4. Répondre
    Sidibe sekou oumar Inspecteur Rock says:

    Salut le Comité d’organisationdu Masa
    Je suis Sidibe Sekou Oumar dit Inspecteur Rock de Tampy, j’aimerais bien participé, etre invité en tant que acteur producteur realisateur
    Comment proceder?
    Bon courage, bien a vous

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