MASA, the Marché des Arts du Spectacle Africain d’Abidjan, and its partners will be organizing an international colloquium on the theme « The dynamics of contemporary African scenic creations today », as part of the Biennale’s professional meetings, to be held in Abidjan from April 13 to 20, 2024.
The event will combine the classic format of an academic colloquium with different ways of sharing and producing knowledge. By inviting not only researchers and academics, but also artists (musicians, dancers, actors), sound engineers, video-makers and cultural entrepreneurs, the aim is to provoke exchanges that challenge the divide between the academic world and the world of art or culture, researcher/informer, theorist/practitioner. The creation of spaces for dialogue bringing together these different protagonists will help to shed light on the issues at stake in the dynamics of contemporary scenic creations in Africa, and more broadly in the countries of the Global South.